Class blog for "The Unstable Nucleus" at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Friday, September 28, 2012

Checking in with the Iran situation

AP photo/Richard Drew
The image above is Israeli Prime Minister Netenyahu arguing to the U.N. that the world needs to draw a "red line" for Iran before they proceed to the final stages of making a bomb.  In his estimation, Iran is maybe 6 months or so from that point.  See this AP article for the details.  Also, there's a video version of this where you can see him drawing the red line in marker on his graphic, at this Washington Post site. 

Meanwhile, it seems that every week Iran claims there are new attempts to sabotage its nuclear program, by disrupting the electrical power grids that supply its uranium enrichment plants or, more recently, by packaging explosives in technical equipment shipped to those sites.  Here's a video from CNN about some of these claims, that also talks about some of the recent history.  While it's difficult to know if the latest claims are true, it is certainly true that assassinations and high-level cyberattacks aimed at the Iranian nuclear program have happened regularly over the last few years.

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