Class blog for "The Unstable Nucleus" at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

100% Chance of WMD strikes against the U.S.?

Earlier this week, a senior FBI official was quoted as saying that there is a 100% chance that a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) will be used on U.S. soil.  The comment was made without specifying any particular timeline: 100% chance in a year?  In 10 years?  In the entire lifetime of the U.S.?

WMD is a term usually used to discuss large-scale weapons using chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear materials to cause mass casualties, terror, and economic hardship.  Note that it's important to distinguish between "radiological" weapons (weapons in which, typically, a nasty radioactive material is combined with explosives to make a big, dangerous mess) and "nuclear" weapons, which use nuclear fission and/or fusion to create unparalleled explosive power. 

The article originally written about this FBI official's comment points out that the risk of a true terrorist nuclear attack is the smallest.  Scary to think about these risks, no matter how small!  An important part of reading this article is noting the source:  the author is a well-published conservative commentator and the news site is pretty strongly right wing.  This news story has not been broadly picked up in the mainstream or left-wing media.

Conservative news site Newsmax article on the FBI official's statement

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